Monday 5 November 2012

Pregnancy Pilates North London


Prenatal & Postnatal moms (and partners of course) are welcome 
Ask for a schedule (day times and evenings)


Designed by Joseph Pilates, Pilates is a body conditioning routine that helps build flexibility and long, lean muscles of the abdominals, arms, hips, and back placing emphasis on spinal and pelvic alignment.  Wouldn’t you just love to see improvements in you range of motion, flexibility, circulation, posture, and abdominal strength -- and a decrease in back, neck and joint pain.  Incredible!  So imagine the detail you will learn about exercising your body as you enter into each trimester of pregnancy and re-discovering the body after birth !
Every ‘Mother to be’ will wish they had started earlier in life as the rewards are endless! It is also good for the new mum to have a break, take some time for themselves, and meet other new mums.

The saying is, You wouldn’t think of running a marathon without preparing the body first, the idea is the same for preparing for your pregnancy ! Labour requires training and preparation and time to recover and reconditioning afterwards. Evidence from the American Association for Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG) shows that people who exercise regularly throughout their pregnancy have shorter more gentle births, recover quicker and return to their pre pregnancy fitness faster. Pre Natal Pilates strengthens the muscles a Mother to be would use for birth. Pre Natal Pilates also helps in the endurance of the work required to hold a birthing position.

Benefits of pre natal (antenatal) Pilates. Practicing Pilates through each trimester helps maintain and improve the condition of both your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. No strain will be placed on the joints or back but will in fact strengthen the back, the stomach and the muscles around the pelvic area - allowing for an easier pregnancy, delivery and recovery. Exercises can be adapted at each stage of pregnancy to allow for gentler or more focused exercise

Once you have had your baby and feel ready to exercise and you have had your 6 week post natal check (or later with a c section) and been given the go ahead, then Pilates is the perfect way to start. Join ZCNL Post Natal Pilates ! Learn how to start to retrain the tummy area from the inside out and help yourself strengthen the deep abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor which can help get the body back to normal. Focus on regaining your pre-pregancy shape, easing into each exercise slowly to re-acquaint the mother with the changed body and musculature, then maintenance becomes the focus, continue with your ZCNL Pilates sessions once a week to truly learn how to gain that pre-pregnancy shape back!

Benefits of post natal Pilates. Strengthen your pelvis floor muscles that are weakened by pregnancy to avoid problems or incontinence.  Retrain your abdominal muscles to help support your spine and pelvis and recover your pre - baby shape.  Correct any postural problems following the natural changes in your body during pregnancy. Strengthen your upper body enabling you to lift your growing baby, avoiding back problems.

Wanting to read about  Specifics? Pre and Post Natal Pilates exercises are primarily used to encourage the  transverse abdominus (TVA) to engage, which is a deep postural muscle wrapping horizontally around the torso like a belt. This muscle provides support and stability to the spine allowing the rest of the body to move more freely. Strengthening this prior to your birth as well as after is important as it not only aids in stability but aids in aligning your rectus abdominals after birth -one of the first steps to getting your pre pregnancy shape back.  The pelvic floor muscles also need strengthening. This group of muscles provide a hammak like platform at the base of the pelvis (and co-contract with the transverse abdominus) and as they have been weakened by the weight of the baby during pregnancy and (will be) stressed at birth, attention must be given for full recovery (which will also help avoid urinary incontinence)

Your instructor will emphasize to move though each exercise slowly and within your range of comfort. And offer to rest when needed. 

Haven’t tried Pilates? Or worried you might hurt your baby?  It is natural to worry if something is new to you. But rest assured. Your instructor will explain to you how the development of the programme wants to have individual adaptation.  Do take note that if you are new to Pilates an assessment of your fitness and health status and individual goals of exercise should be considered. Get in touch! If you are planning a pregnancy or already enjoying a normal pregnancy, don’t be put off if your instructor asks about this!
Remember Moms, pregnancy has had you focused on other things for 9 months! Be patient! You’ll need to return to pre-pregnancy exercise levels gradually, not resuming activity too soon. It’s a special time. Schedule a check up with your health practitioner usually after the first postpartum check-up at 6-8 weeks.  Ask for a quality one to one time with your instructor! This can also help plan future programming  such as tracking how your posture changes and advising the best exercises to suit as well as answering any further questions the physiological changes your body goes through.
Pilates goes far beyond your core muscles however and not only provides a complete body workout (you will be working muscles you didn't even know you had!), but also helps you develop an awareness of how your body works, helping your mind and body to work in harmony

N.B always check with your G.P before starting or returning back to exercise. Pre/Post natal sessions are run as an 6 week course, booking terms and conditions apply. Contact ZCNL with further questions! 07717314954


heidi vandenBroek (creator of ZCNL) is your Advanced Level 3 Pre and Post Natal qualified fitness instructor.  A follower the Register of Exercise Professionals, fully Insured with qualifications in Level 2 Fitness Instruction Emergency First Aid, and an Advanced level 3 in Mat based Pilates and Pilates Reformer. She has been teaching  cardiovascular based group fitness (such as indoor spin and zumba) for 8 years which is also the perfect compliment to pilates!

What to expect in your ZCNL Pre/Post Natal Pilates class? Only exercises that are completely safe for mother and baby will be introduced to you. And, following your run of private consultations, should you feel ready to try a group session, I will be there to guide you as you follow your personally prescribed exercise plan in the general setting of a group fitness class.